Science Project -What’s your potential?


In my class my partner and I had to create a lesson plan for potential energy. We wanted to do something different for the students. So, we decided to do pop rocks and coke and put the pop rocks in the balloon and then let it fall into the Coke and the balloon will blow up. And another activity, we were going to do was Coke and Mentoes.

Have a great list of vocabulary words for the children can look at and learn different words in terms. The words are Potential Energy, Chemical, Physical, Prediction, Effect, Reaction, Difference, Carbon dioxide (CO2), Height, Fizz and Pressure. We also created a poster board, so the children can see the terms of the definitions.

This activity helps students understand the concept of cause and effect. It enhances their critical thinking skills and is crucial that they learn this concept since it applies in all areas of life. Having them see, question, and predict the outcomes helps the students make connections on how and why everything has a consequence.

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2 Comments to

“Science Project -What’s your potential?”

  1. February 11th, 2019 at 6:26 pm      Reply asbitan7080 Says:

    Science is a great topic to teach children. Having a vocabulary words, when teach children is a good idea its a great way for them to learn new terms.

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